Saturday, March 07, 2009

Okay: Time to show off my little Alaskan Hobbits.
Maybe it was only REALLY CUTE to me because I'm their auntie. But I was loving it. Nathaniel put on some goofy music as we were sitting around after dinner, and Noah, Shaina, and Kate started dancing. :) Got some pretty good moves going eh? (Oh and check out the girl's funky hairstyles. They are amazingly patient while I play with their hair.) I am so blessed to be an auntie to these sweet things!

Not to be outdone by his elder siblings' antics, Baby Wes sat in the high chair grinning in all his radiant toothyness. That boy melts his auntie's heart!! He's so fun to kiss when he's all rosy, warm and cuddly after a nap. He's got a big obsession with ceiling fans, and literally
every time he toddles into a room and sees one (even if he just saw it 3 minutes ago) he pauses, raises his arms in a worshipful pose, throws his head way back and whispered with his eyes big, "Ohhhh, waaaaah!"

I'll probably post some more vids of the rest of the family later.

By the way, not to be random but is this font too small?


  1. They are so cute and really growing!! I like the videos :o)) You're allowed to be a proud Auntie!!

  2. You're so lucky to be an Aunt to so many cute kids! They're even luckier to have you as their Aunt :) Love ya and miss talking with you.

  3. Great videos, Dani! What cuties! You must be having a blast. :) Merritt says "hi" by the way... love ya!


Thanks--I'll be thrilled to hear from you!