Friday, March 20, 2009

And shall I fear

That there is anything that men hold dear

Thou wouldst deprive me of,

And nothing give in place?

That is not so –

For I can see Thy face

And hear Thee now:

‘My child, I died for thee.

And if the gift of love and life

You took from Me,

Shall I one precious thing withhold –

One beautiful and bright,

One pure and precious thing withhold?

My child, it cannot be.’

Today I read this poem by Betty Stam in Quest For Love, Elisabeth Elliot's book (which, incidentally, I highly recommend!) It was written during Betty's college years, when she was struggling between her love for a man and a possibly conflicting call to missions work. Added to this struggle was another choice she had to make: going where she felt she might be called (Africa) or going where she'd always wanted to go (China).

God did eventually give her the man and the country she wanted! But the point is, she held these things (and from the little bit I know about her it seems that she held everything) so loosely. Anything that God desired to take from her, she was willing to surrender. Even something as noble as missionary work.

Only THREE years later, Betty and her husband John were beheaded by Chinese communists. The life of their infant daughter was miraculously, amazingly saved.

It strikes me that Betty did not know for what she asked when she petitioned God to give her the man she loved and the country she loved. She didn't know that it would lead to a nightmarish death for both of them in a few years. But her death, (meaning her "crucifiction",) was already accompished when she prayed the following prayer! I know that she would affirm that the beheading in China was a small, very small part of it.

Lord, I give up my own purposes and plans, all my own desires, hopes and ambitions (whether they be fleshly or soulish), and accept Thy will for my life. I give myself, my life, my all utterly to Thee, to be Thine forever. I hand over to Thy keeping all of my friendships; all the people whom I love are to take a second place in my heart. Fill me and seal me with Thy Holy Spirit. Work out Thy whole will in my life, at any cost, now and forever. To me to live is Christ. Amen.

May God fill me with the passion, surrender, and spirit of this beautiful woman.

I don't know much about these incredible heroes, but I want to study their lives. Here's a site where you can read their life stories and some awesome quotes too. Please take the time to read it, because it's incredible!!! I think you'll be blessed and challenged by it, like I was.

I'm thinking about what I am asking God for today, and wondering... will it cost me everything? (And if not, is it even worth praying for?) Can I put to death my will in every matter (small and great) that conflicts with the will of God right now? If not, I can not hope for a martyr's crown. My death HAS to start today.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on that. Her life is challenging and uplifting! I want to be such a woman of God...


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