Thursday, September 30, 2010

Dear friends, 
Thank you SO MUCH for your prayers!
In Anchorage, the doctors repeated Carlee's CT scan, and 
yesterday afternoon she and Nathaniel met with her oncologist. 
They found NO SIGN OF CANCER in Carlee's bones or 
brain!!! Thanks be to God! They told her that they will be run
-ning a few more tests, but as far as they can tell she is cancer
 free. This is a MIRACLE and we are praising God for it with all 
our hearts!!! I do not know what happened to the spots on her 
bones, or what happened to the cancer that many doctor's grimly 
predicted would spread through her body, but I do know that God 
has POWER over everything, and that with one word from Him it
will disappear! 

It was an emotional week for ALL of us, with these tests and the 
possible outcomes weighing heavily on our minds. The thought 
of Carlee having cancer in her bones was so overwhelming that
if I let myself think about it, it was almost debilitating. I know 
that some people DO receive this diagnosis though, and I had 
to come to the place where I said "Lord, even if I do not 
understand, I will trust You. I will love You. And I will not believe 
the lie that You are unkind or powerless." I know people right 
now who are facing terminal cancer in their loved ones. My 
dear friend neighbor, Melody, lost her own sister to cancer 
years ago and yet sat with me this week and reminded me
of God's goodness and His power over all things: even death 
and cancer. Is God better to us than He is to them because 
Carlee is well right now and their loved ones are not? 
Of course not. 
These are questions that can't be fully answered, but the 
answer is FULLY this: God is sovereign, AND He is good.
 He gives, and He takes away, and He has the right to 
do both and be glorified no matter what. 
So I hope that this post would have been praising God, no matter
the outcome of Carlee's tests.

Just some thoughts I've been thinking.


  1. Praise God!!!! I am so excited!! Nothing is impossible with Him!!! :D :D :D

  2. Dear "intelligent business sort of woman", :)

    since i've last read your blog, you've been to the Ukraine (wow!)(beautiful children!) and learned this wonderful miraculous news about Carli (miraculous!) i enjoyed catching up on it all and i'm so thankful with you.

    i think you would have praised God, regardless of the might not have been easy, but it would have been possible. keep writing and thinking and loving.... blessings!

  3. i love knowing that Miss Elisabeth enjoys singing "and Can it Be" !!

    and i so love that Jim Elliot quote you posted...i'd forgotten about it...i may have to "fb steal" it:)

  4. I've been praying for her and you. Praise God for the wonderful news!!!!

  5. Dani Girl,
    The day you posted about checking Carlee's blog and you asking for prayer for her, that week in Prayer Meeting we asked for special prayer for her! When I read that nothing showed up in her tests that sure increased my faith in our Great Big Wonderful God!! I emailed her around Mother's Day but never heard anything back from her. Let her know that we've been thinking of her and praying for her down here in Cayman!!
    Thanks!! Mrs. Mac

  6. Mrs. Mac,
    WOW! Thank you SO SO SO much for your prayers for Carlee... thanks to the entire church! How amazing that God laid Carlee on your heart.
    Love you :)

  7. Dani, I am so glad Carly is cancer free what a mighty God he takes care of his own.It's been a while since i wrote.Hope everything is going well with you.I love the video of that baby seal that was so cute.Love ya. xoxoxox's from the girls and QT.


Thanks--I'll be thrilled to hear from you!