Saturday, September 11, 2010


That's what I'm doing a lot of these days, as always happens when I return from a trip; remembering.
Mostly people of course, and mostly the five kiddos pictured above.

(Don't we all look fine in our tye-die? :)

Scott accompanied mom, dad, and I on the overnight train ride back to Kiev, and I love the wonderful time we had together with him before leaving! I also got some pretty awesome pictures of him and I but I will refrain from posting them because when you're a dignified missionary, some pictures just need to be kept in the family. Heh.

Scott and Oksy, thank you SO MUCH for the delightful visit we had with you and the kids! Thanks for being people that I can look up to and emmulate. Thanks for making it so special for us. You guys are amazing.

So now I'm back in Massechusets, waking up to the sounds of surf and gulls, fallings asleep on Miss Elisabeth's lap (wait shouldn't that be reversed? I'll chalk it up to jet lag...) ...And enjoying life where God has me.

Wherever you are, be all there. Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God. Jim Elliot said that. It's really easy to do when you're enoying a foreign country or doing exciting things. The rub comes when you're back home, livin' the grind, doing the predictable daily life things. I've been encouraged by reading in Oswald Chambers' profound book, My Utmost For His Highest, to live the private life of a saint. Worship God in private. Meditate on HIM in the quiet moments He gives me. Concentrate on HIM as the focus of my life; the sphere around which every other thought, action, and attitude revolves.


  1. Dear little sis,
    I miss you so much already! Having you here was such a delight, and we had some good talks and good laughs which should last for a while...! But, I just want you to know how proud I am of you and that we'll be praying for you often till we meet again. I love you, Boo. Thanks so much for coming and being such a blessing and encouragement to us here in Ukraine.
    Love, the big bro

  2. Scotters thank you!!! I love you so much even if you did just call me Boo on my blog!!!!! :) :) Miss you like crazy.

  3. Dani,
    I've been following your trip to Ukraine! Those kiddos are beautiful as ever and are growing like little weeds. Glad you had a great time. Miss you!!

  4. Mrs. Mac, isn't it unbelievable how they've grown!? They have the scrapbook you made for them before they left Ohio and I was looking through it. You put so much work into it and it's so special! But they look SO YOUNG in all those pictures... :( I miss the baby stages!
    Miss you too.


Thanks--I'll be thrilled to hear from you!