Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Vava pt. 2

Sheila Sheila!!!! Lol!

Went to the doc (who we discovered is an elderly retired doctor in a tiny flat) and I won't go into all the details but it was quite an experience. He was a dear old fellow whose flat smelled of onions and who had the bushiest eyebrows which constantly distracted me.

Also, he was refreshingly un-American in his medical ways! Sterilized his instruments over a flame, for instance. Nor did he make me sign one, not ONE, medical waver or insurance form. When can you get that kind of quaintness in America I ask you!?

He didn't seemed as concerned as my American doctor friends were (time will tell whether that bodes good or ill for me, heh!). He snipped off the dead skin and put some strange dark blue concoction on it which he said consisted of glycerine, German crystals, and silver. He game me a small bottle of it with strict instructions to apply twice daily and keep away from any water with that hand.

Strange procedure, but actually the thing is looking and feeling MUCH better tonight! I'm so grateful and I will credit time, prayers, and... well maybe even my Ukrainian doc for the improvement.

It looks like amputation, after all, may be delayed. Whew.


  1. Hi Dani - I can 'see' your doctor's eyebrows in my mind!!! Guess you won't be helping with dishes (or bathtime :( I hope you continue to heal and enjoy your time there. You now have one more experience to add to your list - Ukraine medicine!!!
    love, teri

  2. glad its healing!! you always seem to have the most unique experiences lol

  3. Aw, I'm glad it's healing! Amen to what Chelsea said. ;)

    (BTW, I'm trying to catch up on your blog posts, but it's going to take a while...I think... :P)

  4. well, i guess i am relieved. did he say what "IT" was/is??? and what it is from? i will dream about his eyebrows tonight, i am sure. thanks. i am in the throws of colonoscopy preparation for tomorrow. your mother, once again, is a better woman than i. i never heard one complaint out of her mouth on how HORRIBLE this go lightly drink is. i am dry heaving after every 8 ounces. which is every 10 minutes. only 100 more ounces to go. this is barbaric. i'll bet bushy eyebrow dr. could give me something much gentler to achieve the same results...........i am going to share this with the drs. and staff tomorrow,..............oops, did i just use your blog to vent? sorry. i am glad your hand looks better and i will continue to pray for you. xoxox, chica


Thanks--I'll be thrilled to hear from you!