Thursday, June 16, 2011

Back from our trip to Alabama and Texas, I was laying in bed last night staring into the harsh screen of my laptop when a soft, urgent glimmer out the window caught my eye. Glancing up, I saw a sight that literally took my breath away. Making my way to the window, there was the silver moonlight reflecting on the water, sparkling like a million tiny lights dancing on each ripple in a shimmering path. It was, perhaps, the most magical sight I've ever seen. I saw it another full moon when I first came (pictures above) but somehow this time was even more glorious, I think, and all I could do was pause there, soak it in, gaze at it and whisper my praises to the Author of such beauty! If I am in awe of His work, I can't help but wonder what sort of beauty and awesome wonder awaits me when I see HIM?
So I stood there and I whispered "Thank you, Jesus....thank You, thank You..."


  1. Dani,
    Those pictures are beautiful! I love being near the Sea when it's full moon and see the beauty that the Master Artist creates. I like to think He does it just for ME :o) And I love the sunrises and sunsets that He paints in the sky as I see them reflecting across the Sea. So beautiful!!
    Miss you!!
    Mrs. Mac

  2. Thank you Mrs. Mac! Miss you too. :)

  3. I love the pictures and miss you too! Can't wait to see you beautiful Dani! God has an amazing plan for your life and I am excited to watch it continue to unfold..... xoxo Chica


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