Saturday, March 19, 2011

Meet Martin Buser (I did!)

This is Martin Buser. He is my favorite musher. Ever.

This is me, at the finish line, scooting as close as I could to Martin Buser!
(Contrary to what my oldest brother says, this was not creepy stalker activity. It was "I'm-your-biggest fan"-behavior.)

This is me, with Martin Buser, after he signed my Nome T-shirt.
I have reached the apex of Iditarod Happiness.
This race is truly incredible and the men and dogs who run it are unbelievable athletes. I admire them so much because it takes such incredible skill, dedication, and sacrifice to run the Iditarod. I think the reason I love Martin Buser so much is because he is not just an amazing athlete, but also a man who greatly loves and enjoys the dogs, the sport, his family, and his fans.


  1. No! I am NOT A STALKER!!!!
    ...At least, I don't THINK I am!
    Sophie you have me laughing out loud. :)

  2. I'm with Sophie and vote for 'stalker'. That's 2 out of 2. Hmmm....kinda creeeeeeepy! :-)


  3. vote the same......3 out of 3......
    i think there is a class for that....


    luv, chica

  4. Yeah, SA - Stalkers Anonymous.


  5. Thank you everyone! Don't worry Dani, I treat stalkerish behaviors :)

  6. I AM NOT A STALKER!!!!! ALWAYS defend me! Et tu, Brutus!?!?

  7. don't worry dani...most stalkers will cover up by the claim to being the biggest fan...oh, did claim that that does classify as creepy stalker behavior

  8. I must have had some type of momentary slip dani. ;o) thou wouldst never betray......

    you are the cutest little stalker that there ever was........


  9. Lol! The stir you're causing, Dani!!! Enjoy your time with your sister!

  10. Dani, my fellow sea mammal snow sculptor and fellow Buser fan. I normally don't do pro-bono work when it comes to the Iditarod, but given the onslaught of accusations and my confidence that you are not a stalker, I will step up to your defense:
    I was there behind all the people in the crowd and I spoke to Dani prior to these photos. I have been trained in the art & science of identifying Buser stalking behavior at the Su-do Iditarod Institute of Mushing Science & Psychology and can say that Dani scored a 78 on the Musher Stalking Scale which lands her smack dab in the middle of normal, even with two standards of deviation on either side of the bell curve. Furthermore, her pupillary reaction was normal, and rate & pitch of speech was high, which are actually normal findings when 10 feet from the burled arch on a sunny day with a musher just completing the race. What was fascinating, however, her scores on the Paparazzi Questionnaire were off the charts when photographing Buser. PQ's of 232 are unheard for the amateur photographer! I must add, though, that her PQ was 235 when photographing her nieces and nephews. Moreover, it's been clearly documented in various quasi-studies that paparazzi activities and stalking behavior are completely separate entities. Therefore, I am forced to conclude with utmost confidence, Dani is not a stalker of Buser or any other musher.

    Oh, hey Dani, when you're passing through Anchorage, do you mind renting a car and driving out to Big Lake to get some pictures of Buser's dog lot for me? His handlers are finished with chores at 6:53pm on MWF and 7:08 on the other days. Buser walks through usually 18 minutes after the handlers leave. I don't have a picture of him saying good night to his wheel dogs yet. Do you mind snapping a few pics of them and emailing them to me? And if you actually get to talk to him, I'll be sooooo jealous!!! I owe you BIG TIME!

    Nora--hahahahahahahahah :)

  11. Ha! I'm enjoying this. :) Nora, I appreciate you exonerating Danielle as to her conduct at the burled arch.... but did you see her at the banquet? It seems like this thing can progress so quickly. It would have helped if Buser hadn't been so utterly charming. :) Sorry, sis. COuldn't let it die! We miss you. C

  12. My own sister!
    Martin? Charming at the banquet? I thought he behaved like an absolute cad.

  13. what made me laugh was your stalking of the guy with the "hair".......


    p.s. we miss you too!

  14. OH MY WORD, NORA! You're the awesomest! I'm dying!!!! I'm sitting here in the airport laughing out loud like a crazy lady! My name has been CLEARED! By someone who was actually THERE! How can I EVAH thank you!?!?!?

    Do you see people? Now this is an educated, learned person who actually knows what she's talking about when she discusses stalking. No conjecture with her. She's all about cold, hard facts. So admirable.

    And unfortunately I have passed Anchorage and did not realize his kennels were so close to where I was or I would have certainly been prowling around catching some pictures for you. Not for ME, mind you, but for my friend Nora. ;)

    So good to see you in Nome. Thanks again for inviting me to be part of the sculpting team. So fun!

  15. Ah! Whatever! Considering that ONLY Nora supported you, it doesn't count ;) Majority wins the vote Dani. Don't worry though! We all have hints of stalkerish habits though yours might be *ahem* a bit more :) Well, ttyl - Sophie


Thanks--I'll be thrilled to hear from you!