Friday, January 29, 2010

Smashing the mold

We're unpredictable people, RuthAnn, and I! :) We went to WalMart today, dressed in all our finery, just for the sake of it. We were getting some dresses out of the church attic for a girl's lock-in we're planning tomorrow, and we decided to play dress up. It was crazy fun.

I loved watching people's responses. RuthAnn and I wanted to make people smile, and it worked! Some just laughed and laughed. A few sweet old guys told us we were beautiful. One man asked us where we parked our horses. A little girl's eyes sparkled and she stared at us, making her mommy laugh. And a few just smiled and asked why on earth we were dressed that way. But the ones that amazed me the most were like our cashier. Their expression didn't change. Didn't crack a grin. You could almost read their thoughts. "Yeah, whatever. I see women out of a Dicken's novel shopping in Wal Mart on a regular basis. No biggie." (Good grief... just smile!) :)


  1. Love the shoes! That looks so much fun :)

  2. NO, I am not related to one of them!!!(at least for today)!!!!

  3. you are CERTIFIABLE!!!!!!!!!i am not sure you should be the one taking care of elizabeth....


    i am mad that you didn't invite me......

    i love this kind of stuff.

    so glad you have posted. was getting on my nerves to keep checking and nuttin new....


  4. That is AWESOME! :) It looked like soooo much fun! :) Glad you had some laughs and a wonderful time with RuthAnn!


  5. wow....speechless....what brave souls

  6. That's so hilarious, Dani! I'd have loved to see it, it would be really cool :) I like the picture of y'all in the sepia mode :D ♥

  7. aww dani! you 2 look b.e.a.u-tiful. it looks like the olden times, when laura ingalls was still around...except that it had colour. love u! ♥ *cheers*

  8. Hi,
    I am "Rosebud's" sister, Melanie. :-) I found your blog through the comment you left on her blog. :-)
    I liked this post because I like to make and wear historical costumes, but have never gotten myself to wear them someplace yet, except a tea house. I should sometime though. ;-)
    I also like on your profile where you say "The thought of a normal life scares me." Same here! Your life sounds like quite the adventure! :-D
    ~Melanie A.

  9. Dani,

    You make me laugh! Thank you for the heart-lightening fun that you posted about and the shining example of no fear of man. Just joy in Jesus. :)

    Mary B.

  10. I wish I had been at Walmart to see you! You are a brave soul! Lilly

  11. ROFL!!! Dani, you are too funny!

    Hey, did you ever get my e-mail by any chance?

  12. too fun!! what an awesome, random idea :)


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