There is a joy in the journey...
There's a light we can love on the way.
There is a wonder and wildness to life
And freedom for those who obey.
-Michael Card
My grandparent's dog, Chappy, is staying with us for a while. He's the cutest little fella. A miniature black Schnauzer. Usually tend to love the big manly dogs, but Chappy's just so stinkin' cute that we love having him around when Grandma and Grandpa are on vacation!
A few minutes ago as I sat here in front of the computer, Chappy plodded into the room and stood near my leg for a moment. Then he licked it. It was so cute and random (because Chappy doesn't lick a lot) that it got my attention and I bent over to love on him a little. He amazes me--in fact, dogs in general amaze me--with their ability to adore humans! The ability to freak out with excitement every time we walk in the door, even if we've only been gone 10 minutes! When Chap hears the word "walk" his perky ears stick up and he gets wild with anticipation. He follows us around barking and practically bouncing with excitement. Same with the word "ride" or "treat" or the phrase"Where's your toy?" :) In short, Chap just kinda' loves life. So, we love being around him.
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I want to be one of the most joyful people in the world. I want to retain a childlike wonder and excitement in life, for the REST of my life. I've been striving to keep the wonder and joy in my life alive and this Spring it's been awesome! Standing on a dark night and gazing up at the moon, just thrilling at the thought that God placed a beautiful, perfectly spherical, glowing ball above my head. Picking a single blade of grass and inspecting it; (really looking at it!) and smiling because of the perfect lines, symmetry, and smoothness, color and yes--beauty of a blade of grass. Rolling down the windows on a warm day and turning up the music and agreeing with Louie Armstrong (though not being quite so guttural about it) that yes, indeed it is a "Wonderful World!" Telling people that the dandelions on their lawn are beautiful (they're almost without exception horrified that I think so. Why are dandelions such villains anyhow? I guess maybe some day when I have my own yard I'll understand.) Kissing a resident in the nursing home where I work on the cheek and watching their face brighten...when's the last time someone kissed them, I often wonder? Laughing with my Gramps over a story he's telling me for the gazillionth time... just because it's HIM telling it and I cherish every second with him. Driving a little more slowly on my way home from work so I can take in the beauty of a green meadow, a blue sky with puffy clouds, or someone's carefully tended flower bed. Complementing God on His artistry in creation. It thrills me.
Stuff like that.
I could go on and on. And ON!
I am purposely looking for ways to enjoy life; slapping my own face to wake me up from the stupor of just existing that I fall prey to like every other human. That stupor where the moon goes unnoticed. Dandelions become inconvenient. Grass becomes boring. Grandpa's repetitive stories become annoying.
Why am I doing it? Not because I'm a Pollyanna wannabe. Not because it's good for my mental health and emotional wellbeing. Not because it makes people like me better. Pretty much just because I think it makes God happy when I'm happy. I think that when He sees me enjoying life it thrills His heart and He in turn enjoys ME. I think that, much like I delight in the playful enthusiasm and quirky ways of Chappy, God delights in seeing those who He's created find joy in the world around Him and--most importantly--in HIM through it.
I've been really making this a prayer of mine. "GOD, Give me JOY!" And He's doing it. He's seriously been filling my heart with joy and wonder and excitement about life at the most random moments. I'm grateful. Once again, I am reminded that when you ask the Father for a good gift, He'll give it.
I know... I'm getting so wordy! You can stick with me or abandon the ship (and I wouldn't blame you!), for alas, for I'm about to get even wordier and post an excerpt from a piece I wrote a long time ago about my bird Uluru. Had to sell him two yrs. ago and I miss him! Here's why:
When I first bought Uluru, he was a young handfed baby. He was terrified of being taken out of his familiar cage, and when I brought him home all he would do was huddle in a corner. He didn't want to eat, drink, or do anything other than get away from me. He wouldn't make a sound other than an occasional miserable chirp.
It was pitiful!
I'd been searching for a long time for the bird I would buy, and when I heard that he was "hand fed" and supposedly "tame" I had pictures in my mind of this darling little juvenile cockatiel who would snuggle on my shoulder and whistle me love songs. I kept on expecting him to come around once he was used to his new home, and in time he didn't fear me anymore. But he still didn't like me. He'd crouch in the furthest corner of his cage when I came near. He started to chirp and whistle after a while, but he didn't want ANYTHING to do with me. He simply tolerated me when I tried to hold him. He was quite happy to live life in his cage without my companionship.
What he didn't know is that I had bought him for just that reason! The whole reason I had searched for the perfect bird, purchased him, and traveled a long ways to get him was so that he could be my little buddy. :)
One day I was sitting in my Bible study class, and my mind wasn't on the lecture. It wandered to Uluru at home in his cage... and I thought absently, "Goodness, I just wish he enjoyed me as his owner. I wish he WANTED to be with me. What good is it to have a pet who doesn't enjoy you?" Suddenly a thought hit me so hard. God said to me "Dani, that's exactly how I feel about you. I don't just want to 'own' you. I don't just want you to be My possession. I want you to enjoy Me so that I can enjoy you to the fullest! I created you to delight in Me and bring Me joy in your delight."
Something clicked in my relationship with God when I finally understood that. I was sad over a little bird who didn't enjoy me, yet the God of the Universe, the High King of Heaven had purchased me with his life's blood, and so often my attitude towards him was one of duty and obligation rather than adoration and delight.
Uluru finally came around, with time. Now my family and I laugh at the little "Dani Dance" he does when I walk in the room. He wants me to hold him so badly that he prances around on his perch, crouching and quivering with hope that I'll just look at him. When I place a treat in his cage, he doesn't even look twice at it. All he wants is to hop on my hand and have me scratch his head or give me kisses. He'd much rather have me than what I can give him. He's perfectly content to sit on my shoulder or my head for hours while I go throughout my day. Sometimes I'll be reading or working, and hear a plaintive little chirp. I'll look up and find that Uluru has been staring at me for who-knows-how-long, waiting for me to notice him and pick him up. (Awww! Who could resist the little guy!?) :) He wants to be with me at all times and his plaintive little chirp for attention reminds me of the constant cry in my heart, "my soul thirsts for the living God as the deer pants for water!" I want to be the kind of Christian who is constantly seeking God's eye... His presence... His blessing.
Goofing with Uluru a few yrs ago :) |
And now that I've typed my fingers to the bone I will end abruptly. Because I'm getting really sleepy, and because I can't think of anything else to say other than this: I hope this post will encourage somebody who might read it to seek after joy.
The starting place is, of course, Jesus.
I LOVE this post! It expresses so many of the things I've thought about AND needed to be reminded of! :) Thank you so much!
ReplyDeleteThis is a great way to start my week- seeking joy!
ReplyDeleteThank you! I so needed that today. I'm stuck in this mundane routine, especially today, and it's beautiful outside. Thank you, Jesus for this gorgeous day after all of the rain!
ReplyDeleteThank you Dani! My heart has been encouraged to seek after His JOY! mission accomplished! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you, friends, for your comments! What a --ahem-- JOY to know that this post was a blessing to you!