Saturday, May 28, 2011

Laughing Fits

Do you ever have them?
Moments when you just can NOT stop the laughter and it spills out no matter what grievous, sober thoughts you try to stifle it with?

My laughing fits are unique in that, if I haven't laughed in a while, it doesn't necessarily take something funny to set me off. (At least not funny to the normal person.) If I am laughter deprived, you may be holding a normal conversation with me and the next moment I am rolling on the ground laughing uncontrollably with tears rolling down my cheeks. Luckily, there are warnings to these inconvenient episodes. Bubbles of laughter the pop out of me when merely a smile is necessary. THis normally happens for a few days before a full-fledged fit occurs.

Fits occur at inopportune times, often. One, in fact, was caught on camera. It was in Ukraine last year and someone was trying to take a picture of me with my niece and a man's pet crow and chicken. (Long story.) It struck me as so odd to be holding a crow and a chicken that I started laughing.

...And laughing....


Damara is used to it and laughed with me. The little Ukranian boy is trying to maintain a smile and awkwardly thinking "Yikes get me away from the crazy American lady." The crow, too, was getting disturbed (though the chicken didn't seem to care; in fact she seemed to be pondering laying an egg on my hand Maybe the laughter reminded her of the noise from the chicken coop she grew up in and was soothing).

Why am I telling you all this on a blog that is mostly set aside for edification and interestingness?

I don't really know.

Maybe I just feel like chatting.

And maybe it's because I keep having those bubbles today. Laughter bubbles. I'm sitting alone in my room and silly little things are making me laugh. I fear for Lars and Elisabeth....

Like tremors before an earthquake, like smoke before a fire, like sputters before a volcano, I'm being warned of an impending eruption.

A laughing fit is imminent.


  1. Oh Sophie YES I was SOoOo bored. You pegged it.
    And what was making me laugh? A few things but one was
    But that's our secret. Dont tell anyone cuz it's shameful to squander time on there!!

  2. You are certainly a goof, and one with WAY too much time on her hands! (but I'll fix that when you get home next month!) I love your 'laughing fits'. I remember being in on some recently (-: A merry heart does good, like medicine (Prov.17:22), so you're just acting Biblically (-: I remember well when the above chicken picture was taken, and still laugh myself when I see it. Love you, Mom

  3. lol i just checked it out Dani. Some of them are interesting :s Ah, it's not so shameful! Your mom is wayy too funny! She's probably gonna give you so much work :( Hello Dani's Mom!! :) Don't worry Dani, can always visit me :) Well take care, it's Sophie btw, too lazy to sign in!

  4. Hi Dani,
    Just wanted to send the blog site for the SE Asia trip. Ruthann is doing well and looking forward to her time in Asia. Prayers are always appreciated. Thanks!

    Mrs. P

  5. Dani, Just looking at your picture makes me laugh.Hopefully we can see each other when you come back home.xoxoxox's from the girls and QT.Love ya.

  6. Oh Dani, I'm sitting here sick as a dog, my voice long gone w/ a sore throat, and shaking w/ this bizarre laughter that is almost for some creepy wheezing. =-D Laughter is truly a good medicine...even when it physically hurts! =-P Thanks the look on the little boy's face and what he's thinking. Oh dear, gotta get off before I pass out!!!

  7. Haha...those are the best kind of fits! :)

    I almost had one this week over something that happened....I went out to pick some chives from the garden. The garden is near our neighbors house. Our neighbor is an elderly lady, and that day she had a guy working for her, helping her move heavy bags of soil around the yard, etc. I was looking at the chives in blossom, and noticing how stalky the ones with flowers were. The guy next door said "Nice flowers." I thanked him, and turned my attention back to the chives. I decided to break one of the stalky ones off to taste. I had no sooner decided that they weren't the best-tasting when I heard a deep voice say "Did you just EAT that FLOWER???!!!"

    What could I say? I gave a sheepish grin. "Ahem. Yes, I did eat the flower, but they are chives. Completely edible."
    The guy immediately turned around and said to my neighbor "Did you see that young woman? She just ate a flower!!

    You didn't know I had a reputation of being a flower-eating monster, did you? :)

    BTW, I heard through the grapevine that I'll get to see you in August? At or between the BL conferences? So exciting!


  8. i once took a picture with a distant relative's pet opposum:) remains one of my very fav pictures ever!:) so enjoyed your odd pic...and the dear little boy's awkward smile!:) thank God for laughter!


Thanks--I'll be thrilled to hear from you!