Tuesday, June 29, 2010

So: I'm leaving in a few hours to go and live with......Wait a minute,
Is this seriously happening? :)

I've learned something through the process of helping Carlee and Nathan with the cancer battle; leaving them and the little ones; being invited to live in Massachusetts. Sometimes God gives us desires so that we can learn to offer them back to Him, as a sacrifice of love. And other times, He gives us desires just so He can fulfill them down the road.
He gave me the desire of my heart by letting me live in Nome when Carlee needed me so badly. And He's giving me another desire of my heart by sending me to care for Mrs. Elliot-Gren.

I'm so full of gratefulness. But oh, God: may I always learn to thank You for crucified desires, as well as granted ones.


  1. I hope you don't mind a comment from a stranger - I stumbled across your blog quite by "accident" when I was doing a Google search for "Elisabeth Elliot Brooklyn Tabernacle," trying to find an article she had written about a visit she'd made to the church! I loved reading your recent posts and finding out a bunch I have in common with you - I am from Alaska but living on the East Coast now. And I too have always wanted to meet Elisabeth Elliot! Thanks for sharing about desires - I can relate to those thoughts. I trust the Lord will fulfill His purpose for your life and make your heart glad in every way.

  2. Be sure to keep us updated on how things are going! :) Praying for you!

  3. Welcome to Boston!!!!!!! Sorry I didn't get to see you one last time before you left. I am so excited for you and this new chapter in your life. I feel so many wonderful things are in store for you Dani. =o)
    Thank you again for taking such sweet care of the girls. They love you. Our entire family does.
    Send me an email or call when you can. I want to hear all the details!!

  4. Hi Sweetie - I got the little note your mom sent along for you! We'll just visit when you get back, and you'll have even more wonderful experiences to share!! Know that the way before you is paved with the prayers of many; God has hand-picked you to Glorify HIM. May we each learn and put into practice that is our responsibility, too!! Love you, dear one!

  5. hello my dear! earnestly praying for you as this new adventure takes place...I'm thrilled for you!

    p.s. love the video you posted of your grandfather! :)

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  8. Gladbooks, I am so glad to hear from you. I love to hear from people visiting this blog who I don't even know; it always kin of amazes me. :) Wow, we Do have a lot in common. Thank you for your kind words!

    Meg- Are you AnneGirl!?!?! Seriously!?!? Wow! How are you friend? It's been ages!!

    And everyone else: thank you for the comments and the thoughts and the prayers! Love you.


Thanks--I'll be thrilled to hear from you!