Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The sick little house in the North

Or rather, "the sick little inhabitants of the little house in the North." It seems that nearly every family in town is being hit with a bug. Ours is no exception! We're all feeling sick other than Caleb and Carlee, and praise God we hope it stays that way. (The "other than Caleb and Carlee" part. They're the most vulnerable members of the family and I am SO grateful it hasn't hit them.) We've been feeling yucky for nearly two weeks now, though, and I think we're ready for it to be over.

Please pray that Carlee won't get it. She is starting to feel much stronger now that the chemo is out of her system. It would be tough for her to be knocked out again. There's also a large amount of H1N1 going around that could potentially be tough for her to deal with. She's still tired a lot of the time and still struggling with "chemo brain", which is a condition caused by the chemicals which blocks certain brain functions: specifically multi-tasking, remembering lists, things like that. We've made a few jokes about it, but recently Carlee found out that "chemo brain" is actually, possibly an irreversible condition. It was one thing to try to laugh it off when we thought it would end with the chemo treatments. A humerus, though sometimes frustrating season of life. It's quite another when you realize this could continue for the rest of her life. It's scary and overwhelming. I know she'd appreciate you joining in prayers with us that God would help her brain to resume normalcy and would wipe out the effects of her treatments to both her heart function and her brain.

Thanks for any and all prayers for my precious sis. She is such a trooper... so tough and sweet even when she's exhausted almost beyond endurance! The love of Christ and His beauty rests on her life and radiates BRIGHTLY to all who encounter her. I feel so blessed to live with her and see it in action on a daily basis. I often pray for God to help me to develop the resilient, beautiful spirit He's given my sister!


  1. Please tell Carlee that we continue to pray for her. She is such a wonderful inspiration to me of trusting the Lord in the great trials of life. She is so beautiful!! Thanks for being there for her. Love you all!!!

  2. Hey Dani!

    I just wanted you to know that I appreciate your blog, and that I am praying for you guys. Love you!!


Thanks--I'll be thrilled to hear from you!