Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Photo Book

WOW--it took all day (literally!) but I finally made my free photo book from Shutterfly. Thought I'd share it with you! LOVE it and can't wait to hold it! :) I couldn't decide which trip I took this year to make it of, so I made it of all three... Brazil, Alaska, and Ukraine. :) I'm off to Alaska again, Asia, and Australia in a month so hopefully they'll send me another free photo book offer before too long. :)

The new way to make a photo album: photo books by Shutterfly.


  1. It looks amazing!! I LOVE shutterfly!! I just finished up making my free shutterfly book tonight!! It is a book I made for my little guy, Evan. :)Leah was my birthing coach and she was amazing! :) Here is the link to my book if you wanted to check it out. On the page with the picture of Leah is also a picture of Leah's oldest daughter, Mattea, holding Evan. Her kids are getting so big!

  2. Aw, thanks Sarah! I'm gonna check it out! :)

  3. Thanks for sharing, Dani!! I want to make one of these, but haven't taken the time yet. What memories you made on your trips!!
    Love you!!


Thanks--I'll be thrilled to hear from you!