I just had to put this video on here because I'm smiling ear-to-ear and just marveling at God's goodness! Jeff's a guy I've done a little ministry with as our churches have partnered together at different times, and I've always been so amazed by his passion for God and for evangelism. He has deeply challenged my life in that regards.
Fast forward to today, when I've been kinda' thinking and praying. recently an acquaintance of mine hinted to me that my sights are set too high; that I'll never find a man with the passion for God and for His glory like I'm looking for. Another friend told me point blank that he's not completely sure there are men of the calibre I'm looking for left. In essence, it's been hinted to me, I should just settle for less. ...And then I found this video.
...May a vent for a moment?
No way. Not going to happen. This video re-focused my heart and made it all crystal clear again. My sights are NOT set to high. I am NOT being a perfectionist. Whether he's out there or not, I refuse to give in and date OR marry anyone other than a CRISIS MAN. What is a crisis man, you may ask?
He may not be handsome.
He may not be rich.
He may not be incredibly talented.
He may not have a college degree.
He may not have a killer personality.
But his heart will echo Jim Elliot's, who said this:
"Father, make of me a crisis man.
Bring those I contact to decision.
Let me not be a milepost on a single road;
make me a fork, that men must turn one way or another
on facing Christ in me."
In the following video you will see a couple who has married for the glory of GOD... not merely for their own happiness. In fact, they would have been willing to walk out of the relationship at any time if God had not made it crystal clear to them that they could serve Him best together. What a glorious reason to marry. :) (The reason, in my book!)
So, friends, family, and nosey strangers on the street who expect me to divulge the secrets of my love life to you; I will answer the question once and for all of why I am not married, and you can tuck it in your pocket and remember it:
When a crisis man finds me, one with whom I can glorify God better than if I was alone, I will fall madly in love and marry him. If I am neither madly in love nor married, you can assume that neither of these things have happened and I'm still waiting. (Oh and did I mention that 20 year vow of celibacy I made?*)
*Just kiddin'.
I don't know... maybe there aren't many men like that left; "crisis men." Men who want to study the Word with their wives and lead them in spiritual work. Men who have a vision to raise a family for the glory of God, and impact a generation with the knowledge of the saving power of Christ. Men who want to expend their lives doing hard things that MATTER instead of building a career and living comfortable, useless lives. Men who value purity above beauty and passion above personality. But let me add that if I never marry, it will not be a tragedy. Because "waiting" for me does not mean sitting idly twiddling my thumbs until a man comes throwing rocks at my window. It means enjoying my awesome God and serving Him and His children with all the passion He gives me!
Enjoy this video. It made me squeal a little bit and as RuthAnn and my family knows, normally only really romantic movies do that to me. Lol!